Monday, July 27, 2009

dance - we dance


First time working with katharine is was intimidating, slightly. I was adventuring into the form of dance which I have never encountered before but still, I tried it out going on while my body was still fatigued.

We did warm ups and many stretching exercises. Than after awhile i realised the importance of the middle bit. The center of our body, our abdomen. The strength of dancers come from within there and I found that lacking inside me.

One thing intrigued me was the interaction that she had with me while we were just experimenting with body movements. She would nudge me and at first I was confused at what she was doing, and she said "just let your body follow that movement" she nudged me again and I rolled over.

"Listen to your body, where is it taking you?"

"Don't be scared of that feeling"

"Feel that breath in your body"

I don't feel like I'm particularly good at successfully executing the 3 statements above but, its all about the process right? After many a few times, I feel like I had a teeny taste of what she was feeling inside.

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