To raise funds for our Habitat for Humanity trip to Sarawak, year 12 students and our 2 wonderfully supporting teachers Mr Skinner and Mrs Clarke organized these 2 events.
There were many involved in the participation and planning of these events and they are listed below.
Job segregation:
1. Bikers
2. Food & beverages
3. Entertainment
4. Car Boot Sale committee
5. Charity Bike Ride committee
6. Food area plan
7. T shirt and Logo designing
I was involved in food and beverages.
Many weeks before the actual event, we had several CAS meetings to determine the areas we were involved in. I initially planned on doing designing the Tshirts and the logo but seeing that there were few participating in the food section (and food is VERY important for events like these!) so I joined forces with Boom and Yitong to supply the main course of everyone's meal that afternoon, Burgers and Hotdogs.
After discussion with the 2, we wanted to make them really really GOOD burgers and sell them at a high price. With various sauces, good quality patty and nice buns. However, given the advice from Mr.Skinner, it would be better to sell cheap ones without them being so complicated. Before we received advice from him, we even went out for "burger surveys" to research what combination of ingredients would make our burgers the best since we had no experience whatsoever in burger making, but alas! our research was in vain, although not to our stomachs :P
And so, we were very lucky to have Mr.Skinner standing behind our whole operation. Although we initially took the job into our hands, it seemed that conducting a barbeque required more than just amateur skills. Mr Skinner even called in professional help! and....oh no, i forgot his name.....but i rmb his face :) Basically, everything we needed was supplied by the school because it would be easier to buy in bulk using the school's name, it would be cheaper as well, lowering costs and increasing profit! (ahha mr.whittlestone! economics in application!) Here's the supplies we got from school.
1. Tons of burgers.
2. Tons of sausages
3. Gas
4. Stove/ Grill thingy
5. Tons of white bread
6. Tesco Tomato Sauce
7. Tesco Chili Sauce
8. Oil (or was this from skinner or bbq man?????)
9. Paper tissue
Mr. Skinner:
1. BARBEQUE EQUIPMENT! - 200 USD. however, saw sign on it saying =made in china= skeptical? YES
1. Paper Plate
2. Mustard
Without Boom's mustard, i wouldn't have been able to see the beauty of its taste. It actually tastes good with tomato sauce. :) everyone else loved it too! SEE. mustard is quite good boom.
One vital ingredient though, was ONIONS.
everyone contributed to this by chopping up 6 onions at home and bringing it to school. I brought 1.5kg of chopped onion. (equivalent to the weight of the cake we are going to get for Ms. Yin on the last day of school) and i'm helped ALOT. many didn't bring 6 onions. Phumi & Bindiya even brought onions without chopping them. WHAT?!
Anyway, in the beginning, we were lazing around. LITERALLY with too many cooked dogs and burgers and onions. Hmmm....stacks of bread sandwiched between tissue too. Our first buyers were actually ourselves so, we got off to a slow start. Lucky, ppl get hungry and desperate and slow, with the slow trickle of people, came a slightly faster trickle of sellings.
We got bored with the low business and so I suggested running around with the enticing sign i printed and get customers to us! it worked a little. Got deliveries for Mr & Mrs Walton (and he loved it btw!) and one little girl. And more of course. running around the whole place i bumped into wouter who was playing the guitar in a repeated arrangement of chords. I sang a few really cheesy lines about "you know what is good~ and that is our food~~" lame but, SOMEHOW! it got us customers!
Uh oh, thn i realised just how busy Boom was manning the stall. Rushing to his aid! asking ppl what they want, repeatedly asking "do you want onions with that?" and getting change. It was all in good fun. :) Then disaster struck! we got so busy, the onions ran out! I sacrificed my dry eyes to cut a few that ppl brought UNCUT. but they brought really small ones. They were puny! and the bbq man's wife even commented on how puny they were! tsk tsk tsk~ but i still went to cut em anyway. Got the chopping board and knife and some really big yellow onions from Shaeny,gen and iyune's stall. They borrowed some from us when they needed and now we borrow from them. cooperation at its best!
Hmmm...what else? All in all, it was a great day. I learned that barbeque-ing you have one stove for frying, one for keeping it warm, meaning one has good big fire, one small comforting fire. I learned that you have to look at for your team member at the stall when they need help because, standing alone manning a stall is tough! sorry boom cause i left him alone to do some advertising for a while, but he's so good and managed well. Being polite always helps you get more customers. Managing a stall you need to have a container for money. You have to be proactive in getting those customers! bring yourself to them! don't expect them to come to you! Overall, It was a great experience. haven't done stuff like this in a while. earned RM630
PS : It was so busy I even didn't have time to take more pictures!
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