Its the day after I got back from my sarawak trip and I go for pathfinders. I feel so committed. haha. (PS: self praise is no praise so I'm not actually praising myself :P) anyway, today we had yet another special guest of honour- Aunty Nelly! she's a nurse and she was invited today to speak on hygiene.
First we had to practice how to spell the word "HYGIENE" they're little kids ok, and its a good thing to widen their vocabulary :D
and then aunty nelly went on to explain what it meant.
and todays hygiene wasn't just about physical (but actually it was mostly about physical la) hygiene but clean in thoughts, words and in the heart as well.A wholesome program. I like it.
She went on to explain the reason why good personal hygiene is practiced.
1.We might spread the dirt and bacteria to others
2.It makes us and other people unhappy
3.It troubles others -ie. ppl need to take care of us when we get sick cause of dirt.
Next up, was the HOW.
1. Bathe from head to toe-washing hair properly. washing toes properly as well.
2. Wash hands properly
3. Cut your nails. be it fingers or toes (OKKKKK.....I don't cut them toe nails often :S)
Then we go into a little more detail in the HOW
HAIR - washing it properly.
Normally people just think the dirt is on the hair particles. LITTLE DO THEY KNOW! dirt and oil and sweat accumulates on the scalp where the roots of our hair is as well. So, when you shower, massage your scalp to remove all excess moisture then go on to clean your actual hair.
HOWEVER, there is one most frequent action we always take to maintain personal hygiene
1. Wash before meals.
2. Wash after going to the toilet
3. Wash them when they're dirty =_=
4. Wash them for a duration of the time taken to sing the alphabet.
5. Wash them in accordance to THE SEVEN STEPS.
1. The Normal method. washing the palm of your hands.
2. The Seen-but-not-done method. washing between your fingers.
3. The Retarded method. washing the top of your palm.
4. The Never-done-before method. washing your knuckles.
5. The Never-seen-before method. washing the arms of your thumb.
6. The Cutest-ever-seen-before method. washing your fingertips/nails.
7. The Only-really-clean-people-do-this method. washing your wrists.
Attention! Beware! Alert!
Because of H1N1 virus flying around the world. We have to take great care of our hands! they are possible carriers and places where we expose ourselves to the virus. Listen carefully! they are very common things that we are unaware of!!!!
what is the T area? It is the area that contains your eyes, nose and mouth. These are all openings for the virus to access your inner body so......don't touch them! just incase you might have the virus in the palm of ur hand! D:
you see, we are all prone to touching the T Area that when we cough or sneeze, germs might enter our body through those areas! so stop it! before you pass it on. ;D