Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guitar - alone but with guidance


Today I was messing around with this song I really liked. Its called "through it all" I love the song so I worked it out on piano, thn realised.....hey! y can't I do it on guitar as well? since i'm learning it right? and i can figure out each note on the strings using my piano base. so i try to form a little something by myself.

I don't know how to use any chords yet so I pluck most. I record it and send it to ronald and he says wow: he's impressed! yayyyy.....! did I just learn something on my own? hehhe....i ask him, y is he so impressed? he says : well, cause when ppl learn the guitar, they usually go into just learning the preset chords and are not confident in trying to form something like what I did. was it acoustic or classical he said? i dunno but I rmb him saying that that kind of playing was getting less, especially among the ppl we both know who play guitar, and jazz as well. time to keep it alive? :D awesome

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