Monday, January 19, 2009



It was a hot day, sun was shining VERY brightly. Scorching heat. Hot plate. These were what I was thinking, yet I go play netball? ARGH. wrong day! But oh well~ its for a good cause. My health and learning to actually play ball :D

1 - warm up. we toss balls with one hand and catch them with one hand.
2 - throwing with both hands. catching then snatching.
3 - FLINGING the ball by extending hand to maximum length behind u.
4 - flying through to air. haha. aka interception.

Positions :
GS - Goal shooter
GA - Goal attacker! *brutal!*
GD - Goal defender
GK - Goal keeper
WA - Wing attacker *wonder y they call it wing?*
WD - Wing defender
C - Centre

I was centre! wheeeeeee~ meaning its me who starts the ball. It wasn't such a bad game actually. Just the fact that it was hot and we are playing there under the hot sun. ISH. but my team won! yippeee! despite the fact that I have never played before in my life, know NOTHING about netball and have little coordination skills. WE WON!

I actually feel like I learned something! :) :) :) I learned how to intercept. its basically just flinging yourself infront of the ball, not caring whether it hits you in the face or not. I learned that being a centre you cannot step into that semi-circle and yea, basically I have more knowledge about netball! Ok. once again, I return home with my butt & legs hurting. GOTTA BE FIT TO PLAY NETBALL. and yea! i realise I like to pass the ball around too quickly. hehehe. having the ball in my hands just makes me feel as if people are just gonna start charging towards me. SCARY. so i pass like AS FAST AS I CAN.

GOAL FOR NEXT LESSON. - shooting! wanna be like michelle! score goals!yea yea yea!

P/S : I AM SO GLAD I DID NOT JOIN CHEERLEADING. you know what? they were like asking the girls to lie on the floor while this trainer guy would press his knee to their backs and pull them from the arms! BRUTAL! *phew phew phew* lucky didn't join! cheerleading is VISCIOUS

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